featuring the song "Nothing To Say" by The First Impression
Read the prologue to Light of the Moon HERE.
Check out and download the Light of the Moon discussion questions HERE.
Check out and download the Light of the Moon discussion questions HERE.
A NOTE TO TEACHERS AND PARENTS: I often get questions asking me what I would recommend for teens to read, or what is appropriate, or even what they shouldn't be reading. My advice is this: Be informed. YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) is an excellent resource for you to use to become informed on what your teen is reading. You can visit their site HERE and type the book you wish to find. They provide detailed information on all Young Adult books as far as content, awards, etc. I would also suggest browsing on Amazon. Amazon provides reading level suggestions for most titles, as well as reviews from librarians (most of the time), reader ratings, and other information that tells you everything you need to know about the book your teen is reading. If you do need a reading suggestion, feel free to email me HERE.